Identify Your Blind Spots

We all have aspects of ourselves that lie outside of our awareness, buried deep in our nonconscious mind. These hidden dimensions of ourselves shape and often determine how we experience our lives. And as long as they remain hidden, we’ll be enslaved by them.

The WE-Q Profile reveals what’s hidden within us and shaping our experience of ourselves, others and the world in a way we don’t know and can’t see. The WE-Q Profile report provides specific information about what goes on inside of us, particularly when we are challenged or under stress.



The objective of the WE-Q Profile and debrief session is to generate awareness that allows you to make more intentional choices over how you relate with others. It provides insights into yourself and empowers you to create new neural pathways that can lead to better, more fruitful relationships.



  • Receive your WE-Q Profile results
  • Receive a 90-minute interpretation of your results with one of our Certified Practitioners 
  • Receive the EQ Fitness Handbook, including 300 specific daily practices for each dimension measured by the tool to change behavior. 

What it Measures and Why

The WE-Q Profile measures the core capacities of Emotional Intelligence. These include:

  • Self-Awareness â€” The ability to be aware of one’s own experience including what I am thinking, feeling, wanting in the moment when being challenged.
  • Self-Regulation â€” The ability to manage one’s own emotions and effectively manage one’s emotions in relationships.
  • Empathy — Both empathy accuracy, the ability to tune into others and accurately see what the other is experience, and empathy compassion, the ability to join the other in caring ways and the ability to stay emotionally connected with another, even when challenged.


What You Will Learn 

  • The lens through which you see the world, how rosy or how dark
  • Where you tend to look for responsibility when something’s gone wrong, toward ourselves or others
  • The feelings you latch onto and the ones you dismiss or suppress
  • How you self-soothe and make yourself feel better when we are stressed
  • Your ability to read accurately the thoughts, desires and emotions of others
  • Your capacity and willingness to care about and share in the experience of others


Download Sample Report

Samantha Pinkal

"This was hands down the most life-changing experience I've had in the last decade. The assessments we did together gave me vocabulary and framework to things I had observed about myself but never knew how to to name them, let alone do something about them. I had immediate improvements in my personal life and continue to see ongoing improvements in a professional life."

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