The Impact of Emotional Baggage
Mar 01, 2022As we go through life, we all have experiences that can lead to uncomfortable emotions, such as anger, shame, and grief. When the intensity of these emotions seems overwhelming, many of us try to bury or avoid truly feeling them – which can lead to a buildup of emotional baggage, or “trapped emotions.”
In Episode 83 of The MINDSet Game® podcast, Dr. Bradley Nelson addresses the concept of trapped emotions and the harmful impact they can have on our physical and mental wellbeing.
As a holistic physician and one of the world's foremost experts on natural methods for achieving wellness, Dr. Nelson’s journey to the healing arts began in his childhood, when he experienced firsthand how the power of prayer helped him recover from severe health problems.
Once he began his career as a chiropractor, Dr. Nelson continued to call on a higher power in order to help him heal his patients – a practice that led him to realize that we each have a subconscious mind and a spirit within us that are willing to give us the information we need when we ask for it. This discovery became the foundation for his best-selling books, The Emotion Code and The Body Code.
The harmful effects of trapped emotions
The Emotion Code, as described in Dr. Nelson’s book, is a simple method that enables anyone to harness the body’s healing power in order to identify and release trapped emotions.
Dr. Nelson describes trapped emotions as little balls of energy that inhabit our bodies and disrupt the normal functioning of our organs and glands, thereby interfering with our ability to achieve optimum health. In fact, he notes that virtually every disease process – from asthma and digestive disorders to cancer to anxiety and depression – has an emotional component, and 90% of the physical pain that people experience can be linked to emotional baggage.
In addition to these harmful physical effects, trapped emotions can cause self-sabotaging behaviors. For instance, Dr. Nelson tells the story of a man who had struggled with overeating and obesity. After the man read The Emotion Code, he realized that trapped emotions were triggering his behaviors surrounding food and that by following Dr. Nelson’s process, he was able to resist the urge to overeat. After just one year of practicing the Emotion Code, the man had attained a healthy weight – something that hadn’t been possible even when following various conventional diets.
Dr. Nelson also discusses another detrimental effect that can occur when trapped emotions accumulate over time: “heart walls.” These are figurative walls made of layers of emotional baggage that the subconscious mind builds around the heart, which can make it more difficult to give and receive love, connect with others, and feel truly happy.
When these walls are broken down using The Emotion Code’s techniques, people find that they experience a surge of creativity, develop a new understanding of what it means to love, and start attracting things into their lives that they truly want.
A simple test for identifying trapped emotions
If you’re wondering whether you are harboring trapped emotions, Dr. Nelson suggests a simple exercise called the sway test. In the same way that houseplants tend to grow in the direction of light, the human body will naturally respond to positive or negative inputs.
For instance, if you stand upright with a relaxed posture and think thoughts of positivity or congruency, you will likely find that your body sways forward. On the contrary, if you think thoughts of negativity or incongruency, your body will tend to sway backwards. Based on your body’s responses, you can follow a flowchart found in The Emotion Code to zero in on trapped emotions and release them.
To get started practicing the Emotion Code, visit https://discoverhealing.com. For more information about Dr. Bradley Nelson, visit his website at https://drbradleynelson.com or tune into Episode 83 of The MINDSet Game!
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