Find Purpose and Meaning in Your Life
Apr 11, 2022Have you ever thought that you had a clear understanding of your purpose in life and what you wanted to achieve, only to have circumstances beyond your control require you to change your plans? While these unexpected shifts may feel devastating at the time, they can also present opportunities to discover a calling more closely aligned with your deeper self.
In Episode 88 of The MINDSet Game® podcast, Rabbi Pinchas Allouche tells the story of how a medical diagnosis changed his career plans and ultimately led him to his higher calling, and shares steps we can all take in order to find our purpose and access the infinite potential that lies within each of us.
As a teenager living in Israel, Rabbi Pinchas Allouche thought he had a clear plan for the next several years of his life: he would join the Israeli army along with most of his friends, and then study to become an attorney. However, when he was diagnosed with a genetic health condition that prevented him from entering the army, Rabbi Allouche initially felt that he was having an existential crisis. In the wake of this unexpected change of plans, he began examining his true values – which included a passion for community-oriented work – and eventually received his rabbinical degree. Today, he is the founder and spiritual leader of Congregation Beth Tefillah in Scottsdale, Arizona, as well as highly sought-after lecturer, blogger, and author of several essays on the Jewish faith, mysticism, and social criticism.
In this podcast episode, Rabbi Allouche discusses the following:
How to gain clarity on your purpose
Questions such as, “Why am I here?” and “What is my purpose?” are part of the universal human experience. When you find yourself wrestling with these questions, Rabbi Allouche suggests using this acronym as a guide:
• Personality – when considering your personality, think about whether you have any talents or skills that you are not yet actualizing. If so, cultivating these talents or skills may be a service to those around you.
• Opportunities – each day, look for both big and small opportunities to contribute to the world and utilize your inherent talents.
• Places – consider how the places you visit, whether near or far, may help you tune into your higher calling.
• People – from strangers you encounter to your close friends and family members, paying attention to your interactions with other people can help you discover your life’s purpose.
Rabbi Allouche also stresses the importance of being open to the many possibilities that life may have in store for you, rather than being obsessed with a particular plan. To make space in your life for these infinite possibilities, he suggests setting aside at least 5-10 minutes each day to do something that wasn’t part of your plan or on your list of what you wanted to accomplish.
What if you find it difficult to keep an open mind and trust in whatever life, God, the universe, etc. has in store for you?
Acknowledging that challenging or traumatic experiences can make it difficult for many people to see their true potential, Rabbi Allouche recommends a simple mindset shift: when you encounter struggles or situations that may seem negative, say to yourself, “This is a happy experience. I just have to find out why.” Keeping statements like this in mind can help force you to find the positive opportunities in life’s inevitable obstacles.
What if you want to become more attuned to your higher self and deeper purpose, but don’t know where to begin?
Rabbi Allouche suggests three steps:
1. Recognize that you have infinite potential. Many of us identify too closely with our job titles or other labels that, in reality, are only small parts of us. As humans, we all have infinite potential that may extend far beyond our present circumstances.
2. Try as many different things as possible. You may not realize that you have a particular talent or skill until you’ve tried it. Allow yourself to experiment with a wide range of hobbies and vocations until you find something that awakens your higher self.
3. Consult your mentors and people who truly care about you. Sometimes, other people will be able to recognize your potential more easily than you can.
To learn more about Rabbi Allouche and his teachings, visit his website at https://www.rabbiallouche.org or tune into Episode 88 of The MINDSet Game!
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